Hello world! This is a blog/website/thing where I share things I find cool. Most content is cybersecurity related, including CTF writeups from TryHackMe (and HackTheBox in the future), but there are also articles on other topics within cybersecurity, cryptography, computer science and mathematics that I find interesting. If you have any comments, questions or criticisms, please contact me at mouse@cybermouse.xyz.
Happy reading!
cybermouse.xyz is a site related to Computer Security and not a site that promotes hacking / cracking / software piracy.
The articles, tutorials and demos provided on cybermouse.xyz are for informational and educational purpose only, and for those who’re willing and curious to know and learn about Ethical Hacking, Security and Penetration Testing. Any time the word “Hacking” that is used on this site shall be regarded as Ethical Hacking.
Do not attempt to violate the law with anything contained here. If you planned to use the content for illegal purpose, then please leave this site immediately! I will not be responsible for any illegal actions.
The misuse of the information in this website can result in criminal charges brought against the persons in question. The author and cybermouse.xyz will not be held responsible in the event that any criminal charges be brought against any individuals misusing the information on this website to break the law.
You shall not misuse the information to gain unauthorised access. However you may try out methods described on this website on your own computer at your own risk. Performing unauthorised attempts of access or damage on computers that you do not own is illegal.
I believe only in White Hat Hacking, and I condemn Black Hat Hacking.